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May 28, 2005


I get a piece of plywood [good plywood it has to be said, hardwood plywood] and I brace it and I prime it. Then I push a bit of paint around on it.

I change its value. I change it into something else. A picture.

But what value a picture? Vincent got some linen and stretched it over a wooden frame, then pushed a bit of paint around on it. The paint resembles some flowers, some sunflowers. It’s now valued at millions of pounds. It wasn’t when he painted it of course. It’s history that has increased its value, that and greed.

So my piece of plywood now has paint on it. The paint resembles the figure of a girl:


thank you Mr Uglow, oil on panel 1800mm x 800mm

I put it away in the racks. It’s stacked alongside other pieces of plywood with paint on. What is its value?

The only value I can assign it at the moment is one of accuracy. And I know that this isn’t enough; in fact I know that this holds me back. I find it very hard to assign value to my feelings.

Tricky business Johnny Painting

Posted by john at May 28, 2005 11:57 AM

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