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June 15, 2005
never finished
A picture is never finished, I just stop working on it for a while. Then if someone buys it I stop working on it for really quite a long time.
The finishing of a picture isn’t important. The painting is the thing, the pushing about of the oily stuff. It’s an exploration of emotions and observations. The exploration continues from panel to panel.
“Ah! But you consider the composition and balance of the piece – surely this is with a view to completing something?” [you ask] Well [I reply] part of the exploration is the balance and composition of the subject on the panel which in turn is linked to the emotions and observations experienced during the process of painting, with a view to communicating a feeling. [well you did ask]
The whole thing is not about making pictures for people to hang on their living room walls. Should someone want to hang them on their living room wall then so much the better. But for me it seems to be something I have to try and work out. It’s some huge puzzle, connected to everything. I don’t begin to understand what it is. There isn’t an answer.
Posted by john at June 15, 2005 11:09 AM
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