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June 23, 2005
men in gloves
This is what I need:
Anselm Kieffer’s studio.
As I’ve mentioned before, an artist needs two people: one to inspire them, and one to take the work away when it’s finished.
It intrigues me that an artist will fling paint about, hit their work with hammers and grinders and generally knock three kinds of shit out it, then, when they deem fit, men in brown coats and white gloves come in and take the panel away being extra careful not to knock it or scratch it. [As opposed to the men in white coats who come in and take the artist away.]
But it is important that the work moves out of the studio.
and I know the men in the picture aren't wearing gloves, but their cause is not mine...
Posted by john at June 23, 2005 03:21 PM
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