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July 11, 2005
ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER DOLLAR [or not as the case may be]
It’s on with the kettle,
out with the coffee,
put up the studies of the portrait
kick off my shoes,
select some music I might find inspiring,
choose some brushes,
squeeze out the paint,
wheel over the easel,
lift up the panel,
change the [totally uninspiring] music,
grab a handful of cashew nuts,
walk around trying to find the opening,
trying to find the state of possibility,
the tiny crack in the fabric of spacetime,
that allows me to travel to an alternate universe,
wake up,
smell the coffee
and start looking to see the light and dark bits,
that describe the faces,
of the people I’m painting.
Posted by john at July 11, 2005 09:51 AM
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