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July 15, 2005
Floating in the white bit
In the beginning there was nothing. Although if you believe the ex-director of the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland there were 27 fields of uncertainty.
Creativity starts with nothing. The blank canvas. A white space. An absence of content, upon which or in which anything can occur: a group of colours, a collection of musical notes, a series of words. All of which will add up to some form of something that wasn’t there before. Even if it’s a copy of something that was there before, the copy has never existed before.
So this creativity thing, floating about in the white bit, is a heady business. When you start with nothing and can do anything, it’s hard to identify what it is exactly you want to do. Everything has to come from a decision. The brain makes these decisions, and, as I mentioned below, the brain is not always brilliant at making decisions which go against convention. The danger therefore is that an original idea or strong feeling will become diluted as it’s brought into being.
As an artist I have to be strong and have the courage to do what I feel. Not easy in the present socio-economic climate, it has to be said.
Posted by john at July 15, 2005 11:44 AM
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