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July 25, 2005
When our Tracey walked back into her bedroom from a long-needed piss, after spending nearly two weeks in bed with fags and vodka, she saw her bed, crumpled sheets and accompanying rubbish as a significant collection of objects, documenting an experience, that warranted exposure and exhibition. The rest, as they say is history.
She had a clear intention [the jury is still out on what that was exactly, but she must have felt fairly clear about it whatever it was] and she felt that her intention would be expressed by merely removing her things into a gallery. As I said below this was done in 1913, by Marcel Duchamp.
I believe that documenting an experience alone is not art, it’s documentary. Art has, for the most part, always been spectacular, awe-inspiring and dynamic, drawing the viewer in to see a deeper purpose perhaps, or just to enjoy the splendour of the artefact.
Painting must attract as well as shock, be humorous as well as serious, be light and dark. Like in other media, merely documenting the mundane gets us nowhere.
Posted by john at July 25, 2005 09:08 AM
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