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August 04, 2005

Naming of parts

Sometimes it’s a title that helps make sense of a series of images. A title like Becoming Unstuck, can give a sense of purpose and reality to an otherwise subjective business. Hell! With a title you can get a rubber stamp.


And once you have a title other things grow; the Unstuck Diaries for instance, because it can have a name and a name gives it life.

Sometimes I’m in the studio, like today, sitting in the middle of a lot of panels I’m working on, wondering which way is up, and I don’t understand what I’m doing. Except for the single thread which runs through everything, namely: that I am doing it. And I can’t fit the images and ideas and feelings together into The Grand Scheme of Things. And I question my purpose. And I discover there is no purpose. And it is the creation of a title, a name, that makes sense of it all, and gives it a purpose. Once you start collecting things together, you got to start naming the parts.

Posted by john at August 4, 2005 03:43 PM
