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August 13, 2005

Red on White

“Red on white” he says.
“Red on white?” says I.

there is a pause

“Do you know how many whites there are?”
“Ah,” says he.
“Never mind the reds!” says I.

The Ford Motor Company confesses to 30 shades of white for their cars, Farrow and Ball [manufacturers of traditional papers and paints] have upwards of 20 shades of white on their colour card. These include:

Strong white
All white
Great white
New white
James white
Blacked white
House white
Lime white
Off white
Old white
Wall white
Bone white

But white isn't a colour I hear you cry.

We’ll come to the reds when I have more time.

Posted by john at August 13, 2005 02:33 PM
