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September 25, 2005

Ta Raa!

All connected and working, just awaiting a lick of paint perhaps...


Now maybe I shall once more squeeze the tubes of the oil paint and set to on the pear.

I do enjoy the building thing, though. It's very positive. You saw some wood, you hammer in some nails and if all's well it doesn't fall down. So you know where you are. If it does fall down, you still know where you are, you just go back to the start and don’t collect £200.

You can spend all week painting a picture and at the end of the week still wonder exactly which way is up and does it work and is it significant etc…

But with the building thing everything moves forward. Sure, you need skills and knowledge.

The Knowledge according to Mr Dixon:

1 measure twice, cut once
2 never try and hit a moving object
3 keep your tools sharp

Posted by john at September 25, 2005 04:57 PM
