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October 15, 2005
What can go wrong?
Once more the brushes and paints on the table call out to me: come on... The big blank panel challenges me, dares me, to make a mark. But what mark do I make?
I love the paint and the big brushes, I love the process, I even like the big blank panel – perhaps too much. What I struggle with is the choice. I have free choice. There is no-one telling me what to paint. That is difficult.
There is no-one coming round at ten o’clock, and taking their clothes off, either. That would make it easier. But no it’s just me. Just me in the studio, surrounded by everything I need to start. And a head full of images and a body full of passion and energy. What can possibly go wrong?
Posted by john at October 15, 2005 11:47 AM