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October 18, 2005

The late night studio

Artists have painted by candlelight for many years, indeed among the first images man made, the scratched and rubbed animals on the walls of caves, were inscribed by flickering firelight.


Candlelight imbues the image with a wonderful warmth and richness of colour. But where primordial man had the drop on us was that their images would always be viewed by the same flickering torches. Sadly, come the cruel light of day, the richness can disappear.

It’s a good feeling painting in the quiet of the dark night, the Steve Miller Band rolling along, no phone calls from people whose first language isn’t English trying to sell me a new deal on a mobile phone contract I don’t have, no traffic, and a bowl of cereal. Who could ask for more?

Posted by john at October 18, 2005 12:21 AM
