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December 05, 2005
It's all in the mind
[Go and make a cup of tea and sit down before attempting this one.]
Art as we know it isn’t really art, it’s just the product of art. The art is the process by which the things we know of as art come about.
Art is a state of mind. That’s what makes it so tricky to do. That’s why you’ve got to sneak up on it. That’s why it’s not always possible. Art is what happens when your trying to do something else. If you can sit down and JUST DO IT then it isn’t art.
[tea, and maybe a sweet biscuit]
So to do art, you must try not to do art. In fact you must use every means at your disposal NOT TO DO ART. When it works, art has that someotherness about it, that je ne sais quoi. Notice how these terms are abstract and indeterminate. The doing of it is just as indeterminate. It’s not so much about what you do but how you do it, and more about the way you are.
All this doesn’t lead to an easy life.
[finish tea, go for a short lie down]
Posted by john at December 5, 2005 01:06 AM