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December 28, 2005
Early fruit
I can’t just work on one thing at once. I get caught up, bogged down and generally lose my way if I just have one painting on the go. When there are a lot of paintings happening the studio is an exciting place to be with lots of distractions, and distraction is the key to painting. Here’s one part, or rather two parts, of my current work in progress:
Lin said: “Do you get the same thrill painting fruit as you do painting figures?”
No, I don’t, is the simple answer. I do get a thrill in getting the light and colour working to describe the ripeness, plumpness and fullness of the fruit; but there isn’t as much intensity or engagement. There aren’t as many details for one thing. And I miss the conversation.
Conversation with a lemon:
ME: “So, you’re a lemon then.”
LEMON: “Yep.”
ME: “What’s it like – being a lemon?”
LEMON: “Lemony”
[long pause]
Pears aren’t much better, it has to be said.
Posted by john at December 28, 2005 05:04 PM