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April 27, 2006

Return of the Dance

The Unstuck Dance project may surface again this year. Possibly.

the excellent Rachel Brooker, dancer

It’s a long story, but in essence: I’ve been asked to make a short film about an arts project in Kosovo [in case you’re wondering how this sort of thing springs out of left field - I worked in broadcast television for 15 years]. So I’m going digital and buying a new camera and some editing software [Final Cut Express, for those who care about these things] and generally getting fitted up for film making.

Oh Boy! The digital imaging world is a complicated and intricate place. It’s tricky enough for still images, but moving images - even the acronyms are confusing. Anyway, the upshot of all this is that I can now produce the Unstuck Dance on film [or Digital Video] as I first conceived it.

Posted by john at April 27, 2006 09:08 AM


Hoorah! Excellent news.

Posted by: Daphne at April 27, 2006 05:41 PM