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November 10, 2006

When Needs Must

Nothing like an exhibition to galvanise the spirit and generally put oil in the creative engine.

I work on a germ of an idea for years. It mumbles and bubbles and ferments in the dark airing cupboard of my mind, never seeing the light of day, never coming to fruition, never fulfilling its full potential, until suddenly there’s an exhibition and the door’s flung open and all the ideas start growing like Chinese Knotweed.

It seems to be exponential, the closer to the show I get the more I want to do. I haven’t quite reached the Idea Event Horizon, where there are more ideas than time to do them – well I have, I’m always hovering round the Ideas Event Horizon – but realistically and practically there is still just time to do what I want.

Posted by john at November 10, 2006 09:55 AM
