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November 11, 2006

Hoovering round the Event Horizon

It becomes a race.
My mind is full.
I am constantly thinking about the show.

What’s going in it?
Will it look lost?
Why is it going in? [often a tricky question and usually best avoided].
How is it going in?
Does it need a plinth?
How long will that take?
What else does it need?
What shall I call things?
How big should the lettering be?
How do I saw a chair in half?
What is the flour for?
Do we want music?
Will Nigel mind us spraying on the walls?
How dark will it be?
How many lights do I need?
Will it be too cold?
How much is a heater?
How much?
How many plugs are there?
How do I stick the big photograph down?
What, exactly, has Simon Jones been up to?
Is this image suitable?
Is it art?
What does it all mean?

At this point it is best to stop,
make a cup of tea
and have a sit down.

for more information and indeed pictures click

Posted by john at November 11, 2006 03:59 PM
