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December 20, 2006

Sneaking up on Drawing - chapter 2

More lessons in the magic and mystery of getting those tricky dimensions reduced in number from three to two.


Emily spent the day trying hard not to draw a collection of odd things. But not just any collection of odd things, a very specific collection of odd things, arranged in a certain order and relationship to each other so as to possess critical attributes of space and distance. [honest]


And she did a damn fine job of it too.


The general idea is to improve observation skills by spending some time contemplating the space around what you are looking at. Then, rather than draw the aforementioned collection of odd things, you draw the shapes of the spaces around and in and amongst them, thereby creating a drawing of said things without actually drawing any of them.


Emily makes it look easy because she is a good draughtsman - no, now is not the time to enter into the gender debate – you know what I mean.

Posted by john at December 20, 2006 09:01 PM
