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January 09, 2007
still drawing, mostly
Drawing with paint is good because you can fuck around with the lines. Smudging them, rubbing them, extending them and generally getting them to do things ordinary drawn lines won’t do.
Some lines are in fact edges which is starting to get towards painting as oppsoed to drawing. This is all preparation for The Big Push, when large amounts of paint get turned out onto the palette and then slapped onto the panel. I like to do the next stage in one go, from top to toe, which with a panel some six feet tall takes some doing.
Colours here are fluctuating between Burnt Umber and Prussian Blue – nothing new there then. I think there’s a bit of Indian Red creeping in too. For those who have followed the links to Michael Harding’s excellent hand made paint, note the common theme in the properties of these pigments? Very Fast Drying – ideal for underpainting like this.
Posted by john at January 9, 2007 12:21 AM