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January 15, 2007
Underpainting II
A day spent slapping paint about. Getting a lot of the stuff onto the panel in a vague approximation of shadows and highlights. Underpainting is always quite extreme, it creates more possibilities later on.
I let the Flake White down with linseed oil, which makes it very slippery and runny. Unfortunately it dries with a sheen which I don’t like, and it’s very difficult to photograph. Can’t spend too long pushing the paint about when it’s like this or it gets all streaky and messy, too messy.
Also limited my palette to Indian Red and Flake White, oh and some Unbleached Titanium Dioxide. There was a bit of Burnt Umber and Prussian Blue lurking down the dark end of the palette which had to be fenced off - if Burnt Umber gets involved with the Flake White everything goes Beige, an event to be avoided at all costs.
Posted by john at January 15, 2007 12:29 AM