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February 07, 2007
Older and wiser
Older certainly, but wiser? I don't know.
The speed that technology moves is quite alarming and can leave the unaware completely clueless. I grasp what clues I can as they fly past. Yesterday, with the help of Mr Jones, we gathered technology about us and reached the point where the computer was controlling the camera.
Time was we exposed celluloid film, covered with a fine emulsion, that had to be developed by the addition of a series of chemicals in complete darkness. This was then treated to further excitement with an enlarger and focused light cast upon paper similarly treated with light sensitive emulsions which in turn had to be immersed in various chemical baths. The whole process could take, at top speed, up to three hours to get an image.
Yesterday the computer fired the camera and the image appeared on screen three or four seconds later. Ah, technology.
Posted by john at February 7, 2007 01:06 PM
Were you taking these photographs underwater? And if not, why is the man on the ladder wearing a snorkel and goggles?
Posted by: Daphne at February 8, 2007 12:40 AM