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March 25, 2007
painting again
I wrote about the first Holmfirth Art Exhibition in the previous post when I meant to write about this year’s Holmfirth Artweek. I was going to write about Holmfirth Artweek because I wasn’t going to exhibit this year [primarily because I’ll be in Kosovo again] then I got an e-mail from Paula…
"Right take a deep breath before you give the correct answer to the next question that I'm about to ask you, which you have heard before, hows about exhibiting some of your work this year at our fringe venue for Artweek? PLEASE ! I can't read or hear anything other than "YES O.K THAT WOULD BE GREAT PAULA, THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME" Do you get the idea? LOL"
Well I did as I was told. And Paula came round to look at some pictures. I wanted to exhibit the big standing figures I’ve been working on recently.
Paula wanted a reclining figure and Emily on the white chair. I also, for some reason, pulled out the Circus Girls from their relative obscurity in the back of the studio.
There is nothing like the prospect of an exhibition to fire up the motivation engine and turn on the creative juices. I spent yesterday giving the Circus Girls a good coat of looking at, then today I fixed up supports so I could work on six panels at once.
Then I mixed up a pile of paint. So much in fact that I had three palettes on the go. One for white paint, one for smalt and one for the dark umber shadows.
I put Run Lola Run on the record player, turned up the volume, picked up the big brushes and put up some paint.
It's hard to see what I've been up to at this scale, so I'll put up some details tomorrow if you like.
Thanks Paula.
Posted by john at March 25, 2007 01:25 AM
Your very welcome,John,great talent shouldn't get away ! Go on than, get back to being busy !
Posted by: paula moss at March 26, 2007 12:41 PM