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April 23, 2007
John’s in the café and all’s well…
Or so Liz said on Saturday when she found me at my usual table in Verve.
Cafés are a Good Thing. For a while they only existed sur la continent, with the exception of Ye Merrie Englande – which doesn’t count. Now you can’t move for cafés in the High Street. Sadly most of them are ghastly franchise affairs with a manufactured atmosphere that arrives in a box along with the corporate carpet and etched glass windows.
Verve is independent, so gets my custom, it also plays good music. There is something to be said for getting out of the studio to a different environment with no distractions and good coffee, where people drop by and talk about stuff. It can be very inspiring.
working on the BABBLING FOOLS script
notebook pages, ink and coffee on paper.
Posted by john at April 23, 2007 12:09 PM