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June 26, 2007
Life is a bowl of cherries
I read, in an article, in a magazine, in a disused dry cleaners, in Holmfirth, in the rain, in a moment, when Wayne had gone to pick up his daughter Tess, that the Rabbi Lionel Blue thinks that though success makes you clever, it is your failures that make you wise.
And I thought, as the rain ran in rivers in the road, yes, that’s good. But then, this morning, talking to Daphne, as the sun poked its head nervously from behind the massing cumulo-nimbus. NO! That’s crap. Sanctimonious, soporific, crap.
Who wants wisdom? What does wisdom get you? Cleverness can at least get you money. Though deviousness is often better at that particular pastime.
Okay, cleverness that tells you that tomato is a fruit and it’s wisdom that stops you putting it in a fruit salad. But life is not just a bowl of cherries.
cherry, (cher/e), n., pl. –ries, adj. n. 1. the fruit of any of various trees of the genus Prunus, consisting of a pulpy, globular drupe enclosing a one-seeded smooth stone.
Posted by john at June 26, 2007 11:26 AM