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August 09, 2007

Meanwhile back in the edit suite

Ha! Time was there’d be an array of flickering monitors in front of me, above a large polished wooden desk with all manner of keyboards and mixer units set into it, never mind an editor, and behind me, behind slidey doors, stacks of whirring tape players and miles [and miles] of cables.

Today I sit at my desk, with a keyboard, a monitor and a big Mac G5 dual processor. I can do all I could do in the big edit suites, and more besides. The only thing I don’t have, and do miss, is the guy coming in every now and then and asking if I want any coffee or cakes or ice cream perhaps.

I’m editing the St Christopher documentary at the moment, here’s what it looks like so far:


It’s called a paper edit. Trying to get 31 interviews to tell one story in 15 minutes. [Well there’s a new strap line.]

Posted by john at August 9, 2007 10:01 AM
