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April 29, 2008

the inbetweenlands

The film is with the duplication boys. The talk on The Balkans is over. So there’s possibly a bit of nothing before the Next Thing.

The organising of time is an art in itself, some never master it. Some spend all their spare time watching television. Clay Shirky worked out what that time means.


If you take Wikipedia, all of it, all the entries, all the edits, all the comments, all the discussions, in all the languages and all the code, it amounts to about 100 million hours of thought/work. 100 million hours is what the good people over the water in Amerikey spend, every weekend, just watching the adverts never mind the sitcoms.

Normally the inbetweenlands are occupied by television, but when, like me, you don’t have a television, it’s amazing what you can accomplish.

Posted by john at April 29, 2008 09:56 PM
