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August 08, 2008
Da Boys are looking for Da Maus
Following our recent leads, we sent two of the boys over to Mytholmroyd to call on Joan.
Riley the Ratchet
and Fingers Glover
They did the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine - or at least they would have done if they’d remembered who was supposed to be the good cop. They’d got Joan trussed up in the Parker Knoll and were just reaching for the cat when they spotted it, on top of the piano - the evidence.
Posted by john at August 8, 2008 04:18 PM
The person in the picture is NOT wearing Crocs. Could this be significant?
Posted by: Daphne at August 9, 2008 12:51 AM
.....sitting position looks familiar HHmmmm and the boots,I can't see any biscuits though !!!!!
Nice frame is that what the police are using nowadays for mugg shots ???????
Riley the Rachet looks familiar too,but Im not quite getting it just yet or am I..........more evidence needed !
Posted by: paula at August 9, 2008 10:51 AM
......by the way, were Riley the Rachet & Fingers Glover in the Library when they went to gather evidence from Joans or in the "drawing room" !!!!!
Posted by: paula at August 9, 2008 10:56 AM