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August 29, 2008
The trees, the trees.
The forest is generally considered to be beautiful
but, individually, the trees are all over the place, knotted, knurled and not one adhering to the model of perfection so sought after by horticulturalists haunting the hothouses at Kew.
The mighty herd of wildebeest on the endless grassy plain looks majestic,
but, individually, the animals are mostly mangy.
Individually we are mostly pretty ugly and all together we are but a cancer upon the planet. [see Agent Smith] Maybe, one time, all together, we were beautiful. Perhaps it was a mistake coming down from the trees.
“Come on, you lot, all of you, up you go. Go on, back up there… what d’you mean you can’t? What d’you mean you can’t climb trees anymore? Good grief.”
Posted by john at August 29, 2008 05:40 PM