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July 20, 2012

climbing the rickety ladder that is Final Cut X

After half a day spent negotiating the vagaries of Final Cut X there are good bits and bad bits. Apple are clearly addressing the professional connectivity of their latest editing software, though I feel there is still a way to go.

But some features are excellent - like background rendering. No longer waiting for five minutes as the software locks you out to rend a clip. And so far the magnetic timeline, or storyline as they now call it, is a plus - snapping taken to its logical conclusion.

Working, as I am without a mouse or dedicated keyboard, I'm finding it rather slow and imprecise, and the new terminology is taking some getting used to. but the worst thing so far is a bug where by all the images of the clips disappear, making it really difficult to navigate.


with all the images


without the images

Posted by john at July 20, 2012 08:07 PM
