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November 30, 2006

And what, in the previous post, were all the lights pointing at?

What is missing?
What was on the boxes?

One of Jim Bond's heads:


Posted by john at 09:29 PM | Comments (0)

those hats again


With the exhibition over other factors now rise up in my world. Jobs which were pushed to the post-event period kick in. So today I have been a photographer


and tomorrow, tomorrow I’m building a porch.

That’s the way it goes in the cut and thrust world of Art. One minute you’re an artist the next you’re a builder. Bills must need be paid, macaroni must needs be purchased. After all artists need to be fed, kept warm and dry and caressed occasionally.

Posted by john at 07:34 PM | Comments (0)

November 24, 2006

How to get your ideas to become reality

1. book 8000sq ft of empty space
2. don’t apply for funding
3. don’t put any prices anywhere
4. do what feels good at the time

Then things like this occur:


The stack of wood has been around in my studios and houses for many years, in various manifestations, gradually getting bigger, and now finally it made it to an exhibition. The big picture has had many previous states before I got angry with it and scrawled a whole stream of consciousness across it with black charcoal then left it to languish in the back of the racks for over a year. The fire reel happened to be there on the wall.

Posted by john at 07:24 PM | Comments (0)

November 13, 2006

Basement to gallery in five days

One week to go to MAXIMALISM, so I'll be working in the Bates Mill Basement all week.
Wayne wanders amongst his sculpture

So I probably won't be posting much here. Instead I shall be keeping a record of the progress and indeed the outcome on the Maximalism blog.

Though we are open on Friday night, the 17th, the official opening is Saturday night, the 18th - if you're passing through Huddersfield, drop in. [Entrance to the event through the mill yard off Colne Road at the bottom of Queen Street South]

Posted by john at 09:09 PM | Comments (0)

November 11, 2006

Hoovering round the Event Horizon

It becomes a race.
My mind is full.
I am constantly thinking about the show.

What’s going in it?
Will it look lost?
Why is it going in? [often a tricky question and usually best avoided].
How is it going in?
Does it need a plinth?
How long will that take?
What else does it need?
What shall I call things?
How big should the lettering be?
How do I saw a chair in half?
What is the flour for?
Do we want music?
Will Nigel mind us spraying on the walls?
How dark will it be?
How many lights do I need?
Will it be too cold?
How much is a heater?
How much?
How many plugs are there?
How do I stick the big photograph down?
What, exactly, has Simon Jones been up to?
Is this image suitable?
Is it art?
What does it all mean?

At this point it is best to stop,
make a cup of tea
and have a sit down.

for more information and indeed pictures click

Posted by john at 03:59 PM | Comments (0)

November 10, 2006

When Needs Must

Nothing like an exhibition to galvanise the spirit and generally put oil in the creative engine.

I work on a germ of an idea for years. It mumbles and bubbles and ferments in the dark airing cupboard of my mind, never seeing the light of day, never coming to fruition, never fulfilling its full potential, until suddenly there’s an exhibition and the door’s flung open and all the ideas start growing like Chinese Knotweed.

It seems to be exponential, the closer to the show I get the more I want to do. I haven’t quite reached the Idea Event Horizon, where there are more ideas than time to do them – well I have, I’m always hovering round the Ideas Event Horizon – but realistically and practically there is still just time to do what I want.

Posted by john at 09:55 AM | Comments (0)

November 03, 2006

Press and Publicity

I’ve spent the best part of all week getting together a press pack, distributing fliers, designing posters and generally doing the administration of the Maximalism event. And hardly any time doing any actual work for the show, and believe me there’s still plenty to do.


Let this be a warning: press, PR and administration will take up more time than you ever imagined. And it is important. I’m lucky to have a publicist who works tirelessly through the night to promote the show and generally get the media to take an interest.

Posted by john at 05:39 PM | Comments (0)