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October 29, 2014
36 Falkner Street, Liverpool 8
During a restless moment in the dull dark hours around 03:00am, I was hit by a whiff of nostalgia for my old art college. I raked around in the fallen leaves of the internet and found images of The Sheltering Home for Destitute Children, which subsequently became the sculpture and graphics departments of Liverpool College of Art.
Partially sated by these images of Myrtle Street, I furthered my investigation with a search for my flat on Falkner Street. Imagine my surprise [and indeed trepidation - it was three in the morning] when the screen filled with images of my front door at No. 36. Why was this? Had something horrid happened there after I left Liverpool?
But no.
I was wont to joke with people, when they heard I was at Liverpool Art College, that I sat at the same desk as John Lennon, who famously went there. But it turns out I was nearer the truth than I thought.
When John Lennon married Cynthia Powell [also a student at the art college] in 1962, Brian Epstein, the Beatles manager and their best man, gave John and Cynthia his house – 36 Falkner Street – as a wedding present.
Unbeknownst to me, for two years, I walked the same hallway and trod the same stairs as, fourteen years earlier, did John Lennon.
Posted by john at 11:06 PM | Comments (0)
October 10, 2014
Head, by Jim Bond
Posted by john at 07:06 PM | Comments (0)